May 11, 2012

Sponsorship Proposal Template

Sometime back I received an email from a reader Renee. She wanted a ready-made Sponsorship Proposal Template something which can help her make proposal quickly and ensure she is not missing out on anything important.

Since I did not have one already and could not find anything fast on Google, I decided to make one. This one is a basic template which ensures you cover all that is important in your sponsorship proposal presentation. You can view it below and download (for free) this template from slideshare.
Here are the headers for your ready reference. Your sponsorship proposal presentation must cover the following:

1. Basic information about the event (what/when/where)
2. About the organiser and their credential (and experience)
3. Who is the target audience (who is going to attend the event)?
4. How will you market the event so as to ensure the target audience comes?
5. What are the benefits of sponsoring? Why should a brand sponsor?
6. What are the sponsorship options and their cost/benefit?
7. Who are the other sponsors?
8. How old is the event? What happened last year? Share images and information.
9. Call to action (what you want the sponsor to do after he/she finishes reading the proposal?)

This is a good list to start working with. What can you add to this list?

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